Music & Sound - Component 1

I thought about my soundtrack for my film opening; I wanted a slow and romantic soundtrack that people can slow dance to, since my main characters do so. I found some inspirations:

I planned to keep the romantic soundtrack playing until the end, when the plot twist of The Girl being dead is revealed in a disturbing way. During this moment, I shall make the speaker malfunction and distort to reflect the unstable situation and mind of The Man. This also implies that the character cannot take care of his possessions. This reinforces his danger as it is therefore suggested (and eventually proven) that he cannot take care of other people; instead, he harms them.

I talked to my friend Max Morement, who composed the music for my film. I directed him on the composition, talking to him about how I wanted a slow soundtrack, around 30-40 beats per minute, and showed him my inspirations.

This is the beginning of the timeline of the soundtrack on Logic Pro X.


This is the soundtrack without the glitching/malfunctioning sound effects, that shall be done in Final Cut Pro X, one of the editing softwares that I am using to help produce my film. I find it easier to do it on Final Cut Pro X because I have more control over the sounds, in case I change my mind on times when the speaker should glitch, or if I have made a mistake, I can easily change it. I plan to use these audio effects on the software to distort my music:

These effects distort the notes of the song and change some of the notes to minor keys which can effectively evoke fear within the audience.  

Even though I had a speaker on set, I did not play the soundtrack out loud during shooting, so I had to add these effects in post-production to make it sound like the music was coming out of the speaker, instead of in a non-diegetic way, during reality. 

I did this because it is easier to control the timing of the music and to maintain continuity. 

For most of my film opening, I used a microphone on set to record sound. The only other sounds I recorded after shooting was the hairdryer sound. I used a Dyson hairdryer and recorded it in a small room.
Where I recorded the hairdryer sound

During the shot that transitions to the dream, I added a sound of The Girl laughing (recorded on set) and added an echo effect to suggest that The Man is thinking about the moment of the laugh.


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