Shoot 1 - Component 1

These are pictures from my first shoot for my film opening, which occurred on the 4th of February, 2022, between 7-10pm:

The beginning of shooting

Wet towels placed on the floor outside the bathroom to prevent part of the apartment getting wet

Wet towels placed on the floor inside of the bathroom to make sure that the camera operator (Rohan Mathilagath) does not slip

What went well:

  • The lighting with the 2 LEDs I used was able to effectively create a silhouette of The Man (me)
  • Each of the shots took less time to shoot than I expected
What would've helped the shoot go more smoothly:
  • I should have practiced balancing the Black Magic Camera on the gimbal more times prior to shooting, because it took a while to balance the camera onto the gimbal on set
  • If I placed more towels on the floor of the bathroom and the floor adjacent to the entrance of the bathroom, because the towels placed on the floor were still not enough, and so part of the floor still got wet, increasing not only the risk of the cameraman slipping, but also the time spent on set to mop the floor


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